In June 2020, the Irish Youth Foundation launched their Generation Pandemic Fund – a fund that aims to tackle the devastating fall out that the children and young people living in Ireland will face post Covid-19. We at Coopman Search and selection have joined as a Patron to assist in their efforts.
In a survey of over 700 youth groups, after-school clubs and sports clubs across the country, 50% of youth workers and professionals say that the pandemic’s long-term impact on the mental health of young people is a major concern. Nearly 47% say that falling behind with studies and exam stress is the biggest issue, and over 21% are worried that young people may not get back into education or a normal routine.
These stark concerns are mirrored by young people themselves. In the first of a complementary series of tracking surveys with marginalised teenagers and young adults (aged 15 to 23), 64% say that they are having difficulty maintaining routine and structure, 53% have mental health concerns and 35% are concerned that they are falling behind in school significant 42% highlight that they are facing uncertainty in the current climate. In addition, 39% are experiencing social isolation and over one in five are living with family conflict.
The twin-track research was commissioned by the Irish Youth Foundation, an independent charitable trust founded in 1985, and was carried out by Amárach Research. Together, it forms the evidential backbone for Generation Pandemic, a major new IYF recovery strategy and €1.5 million fundraising drive which aims to address the damage that Covid-19 has inflicted on Ireland’s most excluded children and young adults.
Generation Pandemic is the Irish Youth Foundation’s most ambitious fundraising drive ever. Aimed primarily at businesses, corporations and private donors, it will go directly to the youth groups and community organisations on the frontline. The fund will be used firstly to assist youth workers to identify, reconnect with and persuade young people who have fallen through the cracks to re-engage with crucial services. Secondly, the fund will be used to resource innovative programmes, facilities and supports across the key areas of education, health and well-being and further learning and employment.
The Irish Youth Foundation is the only Foundation dedicated exclusively to meeting the needs of the most vulnerable children and young people by providing financial support to national and local community and voluntary youth groups. Over the past 30 years, it has raised over €20 million and has supported more than 2,000 projects. We at Coopman Search and Selection are proud to be Patrons of the Generation Pandemic Recovery Fund.
You can learn more about Generation Pandemic on the Irish Youth Foundation’s website.