Recent weeks have seen a number of developments in the area of sustainable finance, with the deadline for amendments to the SFDR Delegated Regulation swiftly approaching on July 4th. Companies are facing a compelling need to either enhance the skills and knowledge of their existing staff regarding all facets of sustainable finance and related industry regulations or alternatively, seek out individuals who have already acquired expertise and industry certification in this domain.
Due to the relative newness of this standard, which has been in existence for only two years, there is a notable surge in demand for skilled professionals in this field coupled with a scarcity of available talent. This situation emphasizes the importance of universities and business schools incorporating relevant education and training programs to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills. Such initiatives would not only benefit aspiring industry professionals but also facilitate upskilling opportunities for existing professionals.
Advice to clients:
In order to ensure compliance and enable all relevant staff members to proficiently carry out their responsibilities, companies should proactively implement essential updates and internal training and development initiatives. These efforts should specifically target senior business leaders, equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to fulfill their obligations effectively. Simultaneously, it is crucial to provide technical training to all staff members, enabling them to perform their duties with competence and confidence.
In addition, it is imperative for companies to evaluate the proficiency of their HR department in terms of the screening and hiring of new individuals in this space. Companies should assess whether their HR teams possess adequate knowledge and understanding of the required skills in the context of sustainable finance. Alternatively, partnering with recruitment firms that are up to date with the latest industry skills and qualifications can also be a viable solution. This is where the expertise Coopman have can prove invaluable, as we can provide assistance in the hiring processes and ensure that candidates with the necessary skills are identified and recruited effectively.
If you are concerned about how the current market may affect your position, or to discuss how we can support your hiring processes in the current market, please get in touch with Principal Consultant in Investment Front-Office, Gareth Connellan at